Times, they are a changin'
Another year has passed, and it took a lot with it! My adorable (ha!) nephew told me over the weekend that my hair isn't even gray with streaks of auburn anymore. It's too gray to notice the streaks. Maybe it's time to consider that dye job I've kept putting off!
Hair from a can won't solve everything, though. My skin isn't wanting to stay put. It has begun the slow, downward slide. I've always hated putting cheek jowls on my simmies, but can't do much about the ones forming on my own face!
I changed my avatar to something a little more fitting because the one I was using (to remind myself to exercise) gave up on me and asked for a replacement. I freely admit, I've doctored the new gal up some. It might even be fair to say I've retained some of my dignity by fixing her up quite a bit.... After all, I do have Dr. Amelia Richmond, plastic surgeon extraordinaire, on retainer to "pretty up" my sims.
At the rate I'm going, Dr. Richmond will be very busy keeping me beautiful--at least in the sims world. I desperately need her to keep my sim nose from looking like my real nose, and I need collagen injections into my lips more than Tia Rose did. And don't even get me started on the emerging crows feet, frown lines, a furrowed brow! (Oh yeah, don't forget that unmentionable chin hair! (Thank god for facial wax.)
I choose to think of myself as taking on a distinguished look. That's a bald faced lie, but.... at least I'm truthful about the lies I tell!
EDIT: I forgot to mention one of the principle reasons this year was so painful. When I turned 35, I stopped having birthdays. The years continued to come and go, but no more birthday celebrations.
I decided to celebrate the anniversary of my 35th birthday, as opposed to actually having another birthday. That sounds all well and good, and I would gladly share that frame of mind with anyone else who chooses it.
This blessing comes with a curse, though. One day, you will wake up on your birthday, look in the mirror, and no longer be able to remember what that 35-year-old looked like! Maybe my mind is sliding downhill as quickly as my face....